Trinity Merrill's Advent Series: NASA's Rev. Norman Schell at Trinity

Wednesday, December 11, 2024
6:30 PM Central Daylight Time
7:30 PM
Trinity Merrill Lutheran Church 107 N State St. Merrill, WI 54452

Join us at 6:30pm on the Wednesdays in Advent for our Trinity Advent Series! For this special Wednesday, we are welcoming Reverend Norman Schell, NASA Engineer, as he presents on the Bethlehem Star. Numerous theories abound regarding the Star of Bethlehem, based on human logic and speculation. A former NASA Electro-Optical Engineer looks at the Bethlehem star from a Biblical perspective, using NASA technology. Using the Biblical text, and various NASA resources, we will journey to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Persia (present day Iraq). We will look at the "Magi" and their gifts, King Herod, Zoroastrian Astrology, calendar issues, and planetary conjunctions. The evidence points to an event of miraculous proportions and divine wisdom. Norman Schell served as an Electro-Optical Engineer with NASA during the Gemini, Apollo, and Skylab Programs, and was directly involved in the manned moon landings. He was one of three NASA engineers to argue for a "young" lunar surface and a shallow lunar dust covering. Following his tenure with NASA, he entered the full time Pastoral ministry. Rev. Schell retired from the active public ministry after serving Calls in Indiana, California, Colorado, and Wisconsin. During his tenure in public ministry, he developed multiple resources for Youth Ministry, as well as Adult and Junior Confirmation instruction curricula. He currently resides in Omaha, Nebraska.