89Q is once again partnering with Covenant Community Presbyterian Church to provide Gifts of Hope for children and families in need this Christmas! You can stop by the 89Q studio starting Nov 25th at 3500 Stewart Ave in Wausau to pick out a tag or several with a requested item, go shopping for the gift and bring it back, wrapped up, with the gift tag attached by December 11th. (Please note the 89Q offices will be closed Thanksgiving and the day after.)
You can also request a tag by filling out the form below. Please allow 1 business day to process your gift tag request. If you would like more than THREE tags, please select "yes" on that option and 89Q will contact you to assist with your selections. If you would like to adopt a whole family of 4 children or less e-mail 89QOffice@89q.org Requests will be filled the next business day. Thank you!
If the tags you'd like are not available, or you'd like to add more to your gift, they have requested toddler mittens or boys and girls waterproof gloves kids sizes to adults: unwrapped.
Each child will receive four gifts of clothing, toys or games. Plus a Family gift. Please wrap each gift individually - paper wrapping is more fun for kids to open. Bags are okay for teens. You are welcome to include an extra gift (Suggestions: PJ’s or extra outfit. Please label it so we know what is in the package and who it is for). Donations are also gratefully received to replenish winter outerwear that has already been distributed to the families. Bring cash or checks to 89Q Office, 3500 Stewart Ave, Wausau. We discourage gifting general gift cards. Sizes vary so much, so please include a gift receipt if possible. Thank you for being a blessing to a child in need.