Registration is here for 89Q's Daddy Date Night!

Come enjoy desserts and dancing from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, Saturday, April 26 at the Central Wisconsin Convention & Expo Center, 10101 Market St, Rothschild in the Grand Ballroom. Dinner is not included. Make memories dancing to your favorite song, cheesing it up in the photo booth and enjoying dessert and refreshments. Daughters and Dads of all ages are welcome.

Music provided by Dance with Dignity


Register Online Now



If you know a family who would be blessed by Daddy Date Night, but are unable to attend due to financial hardship?
Nominate this family to attend thanks to the generosity of anonymous 89Q listeners.


If you'd like to donate to the scholarship fund to help send a deserving family to Daddy Date Night, learn more here.


Thank you to our sponsors: