A Day for Women with Cancer

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
10:00 AM Central Daylight Time
5:00 PM
Girlfriend's Corner, 2001 S Central Ave, Suite D, Marshfield

Girlfriend’s Corner will host a “Day for Women with Cancer” events once a month beginning February 20 (and every third Tuesday of the month), 10 am-5 pm. Women will be welcomed to sit in the cozy coffee corner to rest and visit, receive a free makeover and time in the massage chair plus flowers to go home! 
Beautiful hats have been ordered and they are seeking sponsors for these hats. Cost is $20-$30 for each hat which are also for sale. Donations will provide a hat free to a woman with cancer giving her a special lift to feel beautiful. Donations for bottled water, Gatorade, flowers, makeup, gift certificates or other are welcomed. Contact Theresa Blume at 715-383-2866 or hopeblooms02@gmail.com to donate or sponsor. Please share this event with any woman you know who has cancer!