Posts From February, 2025

Your Real ID

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has finally chosen a date after which all American travelers will need to provide a Real ID to board a flight in the U.S. It basically means that the federal government requires more documentation to prove your identity and personal information before you are issued an official form of government identification. By May 7 2025, travelers 18 and older will need real ID, military ID or US passport at airport security. You can get these at the DMV, You'll need to provide proof of legal presence in US, 2 proofs of address, and more. Learn how to get one in Wisconsin.

3rd Annual Julia’s Little Cups Fundraiser!!! In loving Memory of Ian Thomas Skaar

Our daughter, Julia, is having her 3rd annual fundraiser “Julia’s Little Cups in memory of Ian Thomas Skaar”. 🧁
As a family, we lost a part of our hearts in 2022. As a family, we continue to love, support each other and walk with each other through this season of pain. It was on Julia’s heart to create “Julia’s Little Cups Fundraiser…In Loving Memory of Ian Thomas Skaar”. She explains “Three years ago, my family was in a fatal car crash, we were hit by a drunk driver. Everyone was devastated. In that crash, my best friend went to heaven.” In her words, “I want to spread the word of Jesus and how some choices have a bigger and deeper impact than other choices.” We will be baking cupcakes and selling them as a fundraiser. This year, Julia would like to donate the money to the D.A.R.E Program in Lincoln County, Merrill Wrestling, and the Gleason First Responders. She is selling Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry Love cupcakes, 4 cupcakes for $15.00. Buy some for yourself and for your Valentine! We are accepting orders until February 13th at 8pm. Pickup Date: February 15th from 12noon-4pm Location: Cupcake Pickup at St. John Lutheran School in Merrill. Please call or message Leah (715-551-9096) with your orders or any questions you may have.
If you don’t have a sweet tooth and still want to donate to Julia’s fundraiser, our Venmo is @tom-skaar-2  

Thank you for reading and for taking part in healing Julia’s broken heart.

Much love, Tom, Leah & Julia Skaar