Posts From January, 2025

Valentines for Seniors

It is time again for our Annual Valentine's Day Challenge!

Valentine's Day is just around the corner! We are asking for people to send Valentine cards to the center by Feb. 14. Residents are excited to see how many cards will be delivered from across the United States. We will display the cards at our center as we receive them.

This is our third year doing the Valentine's Day Challenge. The first year we received 810 cards and last year, we received a whooping 3,090! We love to read each Valentine and hearing positive words and stories.

Please share our challenge with family and friends! Valentines can be sent to:


Stevens Point Health Services

Attention: Becky

1800 Sherman Ave.

Stevens Point, WI 54481


Thank you so much for participating in this fun challenge for our residents. You can follow our progress in the next few weeks on our Facebook page so stay tuned!

Weekend to Remember Marriage Conference

FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember is a marriage getaway with a goal: oneness. No marriage is static. Each day, each choice – you’re either moving closer together, toward oneness or drifting further apart. At the intersection of a faith-based marriage getaway and romantic retreat from everyday life, Weekend to Remember helps couples do just that – choose oneness. Whether you’re sending up an SOS for marital rescue or looking to foster an already flourishing connection, Weekend to Remember is your best step toward being, and staying, one. Register now at:


NOW through February 13, you can Win Registration for you and your spouse to a Weekend to Remember of your choice!

Weekend to Remember - MADISON

@ Madison Marriott West, Middleton, WI

March 14-16, 2025


Weekend to Remember - APPLETON

@ Hilton Appleton Paper Valley, Appleton, WI

March 28-30, 2025


Relief for Southern California

Our hearts go out to those affected by the fires raging across the Los Angeles area. 
If you would like to help, here are a few faith-based organizations we trust who have set up funds to help those affected.

Harvest Ministries - Harvest Relief Fund:SoCal Fires

Convoy of Hope - California Wildfires 2025 | Crisis Relief Fund | Convoy of Hope

Eight Days of Hope - Rapid Response - Los Angeles, CA - Eight Days of Hope

Samaritan’s Purse - Pray for the Victims of the California Wildfires

International Fly Fishing Film Festival comes to Wausau

My wife and I look forward to this film festival every year! For the past two years, it has made a stop in Wausau at the Wausau Center for Civic Engagement. This year it returns on February 5th @ 5 pm. Support a lot of good local causes and see some incredible short-films from all over the world!

More information, trailers for this year's films, and tickets can be found here 

Hope to see you there! Pete Chagnon, Weekends 6-10pm

No Regrets: February 1, 2025

No Regrets Men's Conference will be held at several area churches.
The following have contacted us to share their information:

Highland Community Church, Wausau
Our theme this year is “Rescued,” based on Col 1:13-14.  Together, we will enjoy live group worship, compelling messages from nationally recognized speakers, and live breakout sessions from local pastors. Additionally, lunch and refreshments will be available, with built-in time for meaningful conversations with other men! Check-in opens at 7:00 a.m. and the conference will begin at 8:00 a.m. (ends at 1:00 p.m.)  Cost is $30/adult and $20/youth (increase of $5 after 1/26/2025). Can’t wait to see you there!

Woodlands Church, Plover
The schedule includes an opening keynote on this year's theme, "Rescued." Then, attendees can choose between live worship at Woodlands, streaming seminar options from No Regrets and from local speakers.
We finish the day by additional worship and a closing keynote by speaker. Coffee, juice, and snacks are available throughout the morning. Lunch is NOT provided, but we encourage you to make plans to grab lunch with your friends when the conference concludes at 1:00 pm. 
The cost to attend is only $20. 


Cornerstone Community Church, Marshfield
Men, join us for the No Regrets conference. This annual event offers world-class teaching on topics relevant to men from top speakers, worship, challenging stories and group discussion. Leave this day feeling encouraged, challenged, and equipped. Doors open at 7:30am. Tickets are $25, which includes the conference and snacks.